Debarring Donald: On the Trump ruling by the Supreme Court of the U.S. State of Colorado

The U.S. seems set for a bitter polarisation in an election year

Regardless of whether the inevitable appeal that his legal team will launch will succeed, and regardless of whether his inability to compete in Colorado will impair his overall prospects next year, this ruling marks the bitter polarisation of the U.S. electorate around the controversial policy stances that Mr. Trump represents. On the one hand, it is his very rejection of political propriety that has led to the democracy-threatening situation of a President who came close to refusing to demit office after an election loss. When combined with the hateful, partisan demagoguery of previous Trump campaigns, this calculated stubbornness represents the political outlook of MAGA Republicans, a world view that has little in common with the values that mainstream conservatives and liberals hold dear. This bodes ill for the quality and tenor of democratic discourse ahead, raising the likelihood that leaders on both sides will be talking past each other, instead of reaching out to build bridges for bipartisan cooperation, in short supply at the current juncture.