1. OPPRESS (VERB): subdue

Synonyms: torment, trample

Antonyms: delight, gladden

Example Sentence: The ruler oppressed his people.



Synonyms: frugal, prudent

Antonyms: spendthrift, extravagant

Example Sentence: I never saw such a penny-pinching person.


  1. MALODOROUS (ADJECTIVE): foul-smelling

Synonyms: decomposed, noxious

Antonyms: aromatic, savoury

Example Sentence: I hate malodorous outskirts of that city.


  1. CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever

Synonyms: dexterous, discreet

Antonyms: imbecile, moronic

Example Sentence: It is a canny cat.


  1. SEDENTARY (ADJECTIVE): motionless

Synonyms: desk-bound, seated

Antonyms: mobile, active

Example Sentence: Some children become sedentary in front of a television and refuse to go outside.


  1. SALIENT (ADJECTIVE): important

Synonyms: notable, remarkable

Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant

Example Sentence:  The salient feature of this book has been mentioned there.


  1. UPTIGHT (ADJECTIVE): nervous

Synonyms: nervy, edgy

Antonyms: unworried, composed

Example Sentence: She noticed my uptight behaviour.


  1. DRIP (VERB): drop

Synonyms: dribble, drizzle

Antonyms: collect, pour

Example Sentence: It mixed with the rain to drip pink puddles on the ceramic floor.


  1. PERVADE (VERB): spread through

Synonyms: infuse, permeate

Antonyms: block, hinder

Example Sentence: We need to seal off the chemical container before the fumes begin to pervade the entire building.


  1. SCRUPULOUS (ADJEECTIVE): fastidious

Synonyms: fussy, conscientious

Antonyms: careless, inaccurate

Example Sentence: The baker paid scrupulous attention to making the roses perfect on the wedding cake.