1. DOWNHILL (ADJECTIVE): descending

Synonyms: dropping, declining

Antonyms: ascending, rising

Example Sentence: It has a downhill cost in the market.


  1. DIRGEFUL (ADJECTIVE): depressing

Synonyms: crestfallen, dolorous

Antonyms: gleeful, elated

Example Sentence: His defeat is a dirgeful moment for us.


  1. LAMSTER (ADJECTIVE): volatile

Synonyms: ephemeral, temporary

Antonyms: lasting, evergreen

Example Sentence: He changes his lamster philosophy everyday.


  1. BEQUEATH (VERB): bestow

Synonyms: grant, pass on

Antonyms: take, receive

Example Sentence: My penniless father had nothing to bequeath me in her will.


  1. INFLATED (ADJECTIVE): exaggerated

Synonyms: bloated, overblown

Antonyms: shrunken, abridged

Example Sentence: She exaggerated the matter.


  1. DECEITFUL (ADJECTIVE): dishonest

Synonyms: duplicitous, delusive

Antonyms: authentic, upright

Example Sentence: Aarav told me that Manu is a deceitful boy.


  1. HARNESS (VERB): control

Synonyms: tame, fetter

Antonyms: unharness, liberate

Example Sentence: She could not harness her emotions.


  1. BRUISE (VERB): discolour

Synonyms: batter, pulverize

Antonyms: complement, heal

Example Sentence: This dye has bruise her clothes.


  1. KINDLE (VERB): start a fire

Synonyms: inflame, ignite

Antonyms: extinguish, put out

Example Sentence: The dacoit kindled the village.


  1. AROMA (NOUN): scent

Synonyms: fragrance, incense

Antonyms: stench, odour

Example Sentence: I am experiencing the nice aroma of coffee.