1. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): attack

Synonyms: onrush, invasion

Antonyms: retreat, defense

Example Sentence:The party suddenly made an onslaught on him.


  1. COCKSURE (ADJECTIVE): arrogant

Synonyms: bumptious, obnoxious

Antonyms: humble, modest

Example Sentence:I don’t know why but most of the times I find him the most cocksure fellow.


  1. CRAGGY (ADJECTIVE): jagged

Synonyms: rocky, rugged

Antonyms: whole, individual

Example Sentence:It was a craggy surface.


  1. HUNK (NOUN): lump

Synonyms: block, glob

Antonyms: accept, allow

Example Sentence:The hunk of blood was there.


  1. PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): complacent

Synonyms: smug, satisfied

Antonyms: discontended, dissatisfied

Example Sentence:I got to meet a priggish person in the train.



Synonyms: sorrowful, pensive

Antonyms: cheerful, joyful

Example Sentence:It was a lugubrious day for them due to their elimination from the show.


  1. WACKY (ADJECTIVE): crazy

Synonyms: nutty, loony

Antonyms: sane, sensible

Example Sentence:I found his idea bit wacky but still worth doing just for fun.


  1. ENTOURAGE (NOUN): followers

Synonyms: cortege, companions

Antonyms: leader, torchbearer

Example Sentence:She has many entourage.


  1. CLUMSY (ADJECTIVE): gawkish

Synonyms: gauche, gawky

Antonyms: adroit, agile

Example Sentence:I got such a clumsy crew.


  1. ARID (ADJECTIVE): bone-dry

Synonyms: parched, waterless

Antonyms: humid, moist

Example Sentence:Rajasthan has any arid fields.