1.GUSTO (NOUN): great enthusiasm
Synonyms: zeal, zest
Antonyms: lethargy, indifference
Example Sentence: He does his job with great gusto.
Synonyms: best, choice
Antonyms: inferior, worst
Example Sentence: Vintage car rally was held in India last year.
- VANTAGE (NOUN):position giving an advantage.
Synonyms: precedence, dominance
Antonyms: bad luck, misfortune
Example Sentence: The militants occupy the position of vantage.
- VACILLATION (VERB):fluctuation
Synonyms: wavering, indecisiveness
Antonyms: certainty, steadiness
Example Sentence: My friend’s vacillation between fear and hope made all of us nervous.
Synonyms: disheveled, shaggy
Antonyms: clean, kempt
Example Sentence: When he came out of the stadium he looked unkempt.
- TRAVAIL (NOUN):labor
Synonyms: hard work, struggle
Antonyms: comfort, happiness
Example Sentence: He has gone through many travails and sufferings in life.
- UNTENABLE (ADJECTIVE):unsupportable
Synonyms: illogical, flawed
Antonyms: supportable, logical
Example Sentence: Your arguments are untenable because they have no bearing on the subject.
- TRIBULATION (NOUN):sufferings
Synonyms: adversity, grief
Antonyms: happiness, joy
Example Sentence: She went through tribulation in life with fortitude.
- SAGACIOUS (ADJECTIVE):have insight
Synonyms: smart, judicious
Antonyms: careless, ignorant
Example Sentence: My father is quite sagacious but is taken carelessly by his friends.
- SURMISE (VERB):assume
Synonyms: guess, hunch
Antonyms: certain, fact
Example Sentence: I surmise that he would not succeed in his attempt to exploit his wife.