1. LAGGARD (NOUN): idler

Synonyms:  straggler, lingerer

Antonyms: winner, hard worker

Example Sentence: Ankit was always the laggard who finished in last place.


  1. ACQUIESCE (VERB): accede

Synonyms: conform, comply

Antonyms: deny, resist

Example Sentence: I would rather acquiesce to my younger brother’s wish.


  1. FLACCID (ADJECTIVE): nerveless

Synonyms: enfeebled, debilitated

Antonyms: taut, firm

Example Sentence: The patient’s condition is appearing as flaccid as at first.



Synonyms: useless, fruitless

Antonyms: productive, progressive

Example Sentence: She made an abortive attempt to climb the mountain.


  1. CLOUT (NOUN): influence

Synonyms: power, dominance

Antonyms: powerlessness, incompetence

Example Sentence: Ministers often use their clout to get what they want.


  1. DITHER (NOUN): agitation

Synonyms: tizzy, panic

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: He is in such a dither that he don’t know what to do.


  1. ABASEMENT (NOUN): A low or downcast state

Synonyms: abjection, humiliation

Antonyms: praising, commendable

Example Sentence: Every disaster brought my brother into an attitude of abasement.


  1. DELINEATE (VERB):  verb    

Synonyms: define, depict

Antonyms: distort, confuse

Example Sentence: It is very difficult to delineate this chapter in few words


  1. BLEARY (ADJECTIVE): blurred

Synonyms: dim, dull

Antonyms: bright, clear

Example Sentence: I don’t like the bleary atmosphere.


  1. DECIMATE (VERB): annihilate

Synonyms: exterminate, obliterate

Antonyms: create, build

Example Sentence: The corrupt politicians decimated the whole new policy.idler