Vocab Of The Day




Synonyms: sharp, stinging

Antonyms: blunt, mild

Example Sentence: Some chemicals have a very pungent smell.



  1. DEARTH (NOUN):Paucity

Synonyms: scarcity, deficiency

Antonyms: plenty, affluence

Example Sentence: Some people have paucity of knowledge.



  1. EMANCIPATE (VERB): make free

Synonyms: liberate, lossen

Antonyms: detain, hold

Example Sentence: Many social activists tried to emancipate women from many social evils.



  1. PARASITE (NOUN):Barnacle

Synonyms: bloodsucker, deadbeat

Antonyms: benefactor, supporter

Example Sentence: Nikhil is a parasite to his family.




Synonyms: acumen, apprehension

Antonyms: misconception, misinterpretation

Example Sentence: The politics in the office is beyond my purview.



  1. PROFANE (ADJECTIVE):blasphemous

Synonyms: indecent, irreverent

Antonyms: reverent, respectful

Example Sentence:  Churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.



  1. PRECOCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Extremely Smart

Synonyms: intelligent, advanced

Antonyms: moronic, imbecile

Example Sentence: She is extremely precocious girl of our college.



  1. PLACID (NOUN): Calm

Synonyms: serene, tranquil

Antonyms: agitated, disturbed

Example Sentence: Placid surroundings of Kashmir enthralled me deep within.



  1. ERRONEOUS (ADJECTIVE):incorrect

Synonyms: mistaken, pathetic

Antonyms: soothing, pleasant

Example Sentence: It is erroneous idea on your part that he will return home at last.




Synonyms: penny-pinching, expedient

Antonyms: wasteful, improvident

Example Sentence: Laura is pretty much provident girl.