1.HYSTERIC (ADJECTIVE): mentally maladjusted
Synonyms: distraught, maniac
Antonyms: stable, sane
Example Sentence: He is a hysteric person and you should stay away from him.
- CONSORT (NOUN):partner
Synonyms: mate, companion
Antonyms: antagonist, foe
Example Sentence: We need a consort in our new venture.
- GOON (NOUN):offender of law
Synonyms: hooligan, thug
Antonyms: samaritan, civilian
Example Sentence: Their suggestions helped us in catching several goons.
- FATALISTIC (ADJECTIVE):expecting bad outcome
Synonyms: despondent, cynical
Antonyms: joyful, optimistic
Example Sentence: The fatalistic approach of our seniors can get us into trouble.
- MISANTHROPE (NOUN):person who hates others
Synonyms: cynic, hater
Antonyms: philanthropist, humanitarian
Example Sentence: The credentials of the actor makes him fit to be shot as a misanthrope.
Synonyms: defamatory, detractive
Antonyms: lovable, delightful
Example Sentence: The government needs to control the stupid leaders who deliver invidious speeches without caution.
Synonyms: cryptic, inexplicable
Antonyms: decipherable, explicable
Example Sentence: We had to face a lot of problems due to the indecipherable ancient texts.
- INVINCIBLE (ADJECTIVE):indestructible
Synonyms: indomitable, invulnerable
Antonyms: conquerable, destructible
Example Sentence: He was invincible till I discovered his weakness.
- INSOLVENT (ADJECTIVE):financially ruined
Synonyms: bankrupt, broke
Antonyms: solvent, wealthy
Example Sentence: They will become insolvent if they continue the present approach.
- FLAUNT (VERB):show off
Synonyms: brandish, boast
Antonyms: conceal, suppress
Example Sentence: They will flaunt their new modernized weapons in the parade.