It’s an understatement to say that the last couple of months have been rough. We’re all cooped up inside our respective homes and apartments. For many of you, this might be a complete shock to the system, but you know what? Take this as an opportunity to enjoy being you! Take this time to indulge yourself. We have got your back with a great list of 15 fun things you can do when you’re stressed.

Do a 10-minute dance sesh

Get those limbs moving and shaking! Blast the hottest songs on the radio and just go wild. No one home? Flail your arms! Kick the air! Wreak havoc on the air particles around you! Let out that wild child!

Sing into your hair brush

Pretend you’re the world’s biggest pop star/rock band artist and belt your way around the house. It sounds silly, but honestly, it’s therapeutic in the best way. I’ll get you started: sing “Pocketful of Sunshine” by Natasha Bedingfield. (Easy A, anyone?)

Grab a quick bite to eat

Food, glorious food. Nourish your body with some healthy carrot sticks, veggies and hummus, maybe a little avocado toast on the side. Or just go all in and pull out the Oreos, Doritos, and Hot Cheetos. Score.

Enjoy a nature break

Being in nature is simply relaxing in all of the best ways. Wind whisking your hair in your face, the soft touch of the grass on your feet…hop into the backyard or your local park and lay in the grass. Close your eyes, and listen to the birds.

Start an art project

Another wonderful de-stressing exercise? Art! Painting, drawing, doodling—whatever suites your fancy. Maybe you’ve had a project on your mind for the last month; this is the time to do it.

Meditate with breathing exercises

Practice calming the mind, closing the eyes, and slowing the breath down. Forget about the stressful things and just “be.” Meditation can get you into a completely relaxed state with practice.

Stalk your pets

Did you know that petting a dog or cat actually reduces anxiety? Also, pets LOVE attention. Your doggo over there is just waiting for you to sneak up and surprise him with belly rubs. Stalking your cat could honestly be just as fun. Beat her at her own game!

Read your favorite book

Grab a cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, and one of your go-to novels. Melt away into a fairytale or absorb yourself into a great self-told story.

Call your best friend

Chances are your buds are just as bored or stressed as you. Check on your friends. With so many options for connecting, it’s easy. FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc. You can even play virtual board games via Steam. The best thing you can do is to enjoy company.

Take a nap

If you are feeling overwhelmed and can’t seem to shake it, get some shut eye. Sleeping is the easiest way to decrease stress. Set yourself up in a comfy room and drift off into dream land.

Indulge in a bubble bath

Let’s get one thing straight. Bubble baths are wonderful—add some bath salts, candles, and a good book for ultimate relaxation.

Play video games

Okay, word on the street is Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch is amazing, so I mean, DO IT. If you don’t have a Switch, go back to the original devices. Or, you know, whatever video games you’re into.

Start up a new hobby

Knit a scarf or socks. Learn how to play the guitar. Write a short story. Something you have always wanted to do but haven’t had the time or will power? This is a great time while we’re all home! Have you really quarantined if you haven’t made banana bread or done a viral dance?

Clean your space

Some of you are probably rolling your eyes with mouths wide open. I’m so serious. Creating a clean, open space for yourself can calm the senses and release anxiety. Pick up the Swiffer and get to it.