Job Interview Question & Answers


1 –  Tell me something about yourself?

  • Hello, My name is Rihan.
  • I am from Mumbai.
  • I am born in Mumbai.
  • I studied Marketing.
  • I have 2 years of experience in marketing.
  • In my spare time, I love reading books, watch movies & also do cycling as it helps me in staying fit.
  • Kindly introduce yourself?
  • Run me through CV?

CV – Curriculum Vitae (Bio-data)


2 – Tell me something about your previous work experience?

  • I was working with XYZ company as a marketing assistant.
  • As a marketing assistant, I used to update web content & edit press releases.


3 – Why are you leaving /left your previous job?

  • As I am relocating to this area due to family circumstances, therefore I left my previous job.
  • I am interested in new challenges and opportunities.
  • So that I can use my technical skills in the best possible way.

4 – What is your greatest strength?

  • I have strong communication skills.
  • It helps me in working well with my clients, team members & executives.


5 – What is your greatest weakness?

  • I am short tempered.
  • I am very impatient.
  • I am not that good with MS Excel.
  • I am a perfectionist so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time in completing my work & then checking it.


6 – Why should we hire you?

  • My skill-set seems to be a perfect match for what you are looking for.
  • I enjoy working with people.


7 – How do you handle stress & pressure?

  • I found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.
  • I actually work better under pressure.
  • Because of the deadline we need to complete the given task.
  • Also in any case, I try my best not to let down my team.


8 – Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • In my long term goals, I want to involve growing with your company, where I can continue to learn & would like to take on additional responsibilities.


9 – What are your salary expectations?

  • With my experience, I would like to receive something in the range of Rs. 15000-20000.
  • As I am a fresher, I leave this to the company’s policy.