TOPIC OF THE DAY :-“A) Corridor Of Hope: On The Kartarpur Proposal”

Movement on the Kartarpur proposal is timely and potentially game-changing

The announcement by India and Pakistan of plans to operationalise a visa-free corridor between Dera Baba Nanak in Indian Punjab and Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan’s Punjab heeds a longstanding plea of Sikh pilgrims. That demand had gathered pace in 1995, when Pakistan renovated the Kartarpur gurdwara, situated on the site on the bank of the Ravi where the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, spent his last 18 years. Leaders from both sides, including Prime Ministers Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Benazir Bhutto, had pushed for it. In their effort to facilitate travel by Sikhs to importantshrines on both sides of the border, they were also alert to the potential of such a move to heal ties amongst their people, and promote dialogue between the two governments. Given its easy logistics, the 4-km-long Kartarpur corridor is a low-hanging fruit as a meaningful confidence-building measure. The announcement now is particularly timely, with the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak falling in November 2019. The initiative can also become a template for cross-border exchanges based on faith, which could provide a balm for many communities such as Kashmiri Pandits, who have long asked for access to visit the Sharda Peeth in the Neelum Valley in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir; Sufis in Pakistan who wish to visit the dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer, Rajasthan; and Sikhs in India and Pakistan wanting to visit important shrines on both sides of the border.

Much will depend on how quickly India and Pakistan act on their commitment, once President Ram Nath Kovind lays the foundation stone at the corridor’s India end on November 26, and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan does so at the other end on November 28. Even more will depend on how the two governments manage their relationship in a way that avoids making pilgrims a pawn in bilateral tensions. Recently, there was an ugly and unnecessary controversywhen Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa revived the Kartarpur proposal in a conversation with Navjot Singh Sidhu, a Minister in the Congress government in Punjab, at Mr. Khan’s swearing-in ceremony in August. This had set back bilateral ties, threatening progress on the project proposal. Going forward, it is important that issues related to the corridor are managed in a non-political manner and details left to diplomats and officials to sort out — for instance, the issue of Indian consular access to pilgrims, which flared up on Friday. Given the bilateral freeze, the Kartarpur project will compel India and Pakistan to engage in a positive and purposeful manner, at a time when few other avenues for engagement exist. It is a reminder that dialogue and search for areas of concord are the only way forward for both countries.



1) heeds

Meaning : pay attention to; take notice of.(v)

Synonyms : notice

Antonyms : ignore

Example : “he should have heeded the warnings”

2) plea

Meaning : a request made in an urgent and emotional manner.(n)

Synonyms : entreaty

Antonyms : decision

Example : “he made a dramatic plea for disarmament”

3) pilgrims

Meaning : travel or wander like a pilgrim(v).

Synonyms : monks

Example : “he pilgrimed to his old sporting places”

4) renovated

Meaning : restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair(v).

Synonyms : restored

Antonyms : deteriorated

Example : “the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house”

5) shrines

Meaning : a place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic, marked by a building or other construction(n).

Synonyms : sanctuaries

Example : “the medieval pilgrim route to the shrine of St James”

6) heal

Meaning : cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again(v).

Synonyms : recover

Antonyms : injure

Example : “his concern is to heal sick people”

7) pawn

Meaning : a person used by others for their own purposes.

Synonyms : mortgage

Antonyms : compensate

Example : “he was a pawn in the game of power politics”

8) controversy

Meaning : prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion(n).

Synonyms : dispute

Antonyms : harmony

Example : “the design of the building has caused controversy”

9) revived

Meaning : restore to life or consciousness.

Synonyms : reanimated

Antonyms : drained

Example : “both men collapsed, but were revived”

10) swearing

Meaning : the use of offensive language(n).

Synonyms : cursing

Antonyms : sanctification

Example : “there’s a lot of swearing in the show”

11) diplomats

Meaning : an official representing a country abroad.

Synonyms : envoys

Antonyms : fighters

Example : “a British diplomat working in our consulate in Germany”

12) consular

Meaning : relating to the consul or consulate in a foreign city(adj).

Synonyms : diplomat

Antonyms : apolitical

Example : “a consular official must interview applicants”

13) flared

Meaning : burn or shine with a sudden intensity(v).

Synonyms : glowed

Antonyms : tapered

Example : “the bonfire crackled and flared up

14) avenues

Meaning : a broad road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides.(n)

Synonyms : paths

Antonyms : egresses

Example : “tree-lined avenues surround the hotel”

15) concord

Meaning : agreement or harmony between people or groups.

Synonyms : harmony

Antonyms : conflict

Example : “a pact of peace and concord”