Topic Of The Day:-“The ‘Ultimate Test’”

Memorably, he says that the “ultimate test” is whether the ouster of “judicial review is designed to achieve a constitutional purpose” that “meets the test of functionality, assessed in terms of a constitutional necessity”. Pointedly, Justice Chandrachud says: “In the seventh decade of the republic, our interpretation of the Constitution must subserve the need to liberate it from its colonial detritus.” Accordingly, he holds that the decision to give the Aadhaar Bill the status of a Money Bill violates the principle of bicameralism, declared as a part of basic structure, and an aspect of federalism and entails a “debasement of a democratic institution” which “cannot be allowed to pass. Institutions are crucial to democracy. Debasing them can only cause a peril to democratic structures”. Why was the majority not persuaded by the Chandrachud dissent is a question that will for long haunt those who prize democracy and rule of law values as essential for the future of putting the Constitution to work.



1) assessed

Meaning : evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

Synonyms : appraised , evaluated

Antonyms : aided

Example : “the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues”

2) detritus

Meaning : waste or debris of any kind.

Synonyms : debris , remainder

Antonyms : finery

Example : “the streets were foul with detritus”

3) Debasing

Meaning : reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade.

Synonyms : degrade , vitiate

Antonyms : celebrate

Example : “the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama”

4) persuaded

Meaning : induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Synonyms : convinced , coaxed

Antonyms : discouraged

Example : “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”