Talent Hunt Answers 12/01/2019


1.According to the Henley Passport Index, 2019, how many places has India moved up two places from last year? 
a 72nd
b. 75th
c. 79th
d. 69th

ANSWER: c. 79th
Details: According to the Henley Passport Index, 2019, the Japanese passport has become the world’s most powerful passport for the second consecutive time and India has climbed two places to 79th place last year.

2.How many years did America’s Boeing 2018 become the world’s largest aircrafts maker by delivering 806 commercial aircrafts?
a Two years
b Three years
c. Four years
d. Seven years

ANSWER: d. Seven Years
Description: America’s Boeing became the world’s largest aircraft maker for the seventh consecutive year by delivering 806 commercial aircraft records in 2018. Meanwhile, Boeing received an order of 893 aircraft worth $ 143.7 billion.

3. What is the percentage of government advertisement given to the print media by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting? 
a 35%
b. 25%
c. 55%
d. 45%

ANSWER: b. 25%
Description: The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has increased the rates of government advertisements given to the print media by 25%. The Ministry said that this decision will benefit from the medium and small newspapers, including regional and local languages ​​newspapers.

4. According to the latest report of the World Economic Forum, for which year, India’s consumer market will be in third place after USA and China? 
a 2030
b. 2020
c. 2040
d. 2021

ANSWER: a. 2030
Description: According to the latest report of the World Economic Forum, India will be the third largest consumer market by 2030, after USA and China.

5. Which state’s Chief Minister Pema Khandu inaugurated the longest single lane steel cable suspension bridge in the country?
a Arunachal Pradesh
b. Karnataka
c. Punjab
d. Tamil Nadu
ANSWER: a. Arunachal Pradesh
Details: Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu inaugurated the country’s longest single lane steel cable suspension bridge. Due to this 300 meter-long bridge built on the Siang River, the distance between Yingkiang has been reduced by 40 kilometers to Tutinga city.