Undeclared Emergency

The arrests and actions in the Newsclick case are aimed at a chilling effect

The trigger for the set of actions now is apparently an article in The New York Times that questioned the motives of an investor in NewsClick and alleges his proximity to the Chinese government, but it did not point to any specific article on the site that amounted to illegal propaganda against India. Government representatives first engaged in a systematic vilification and disinformation campaign against the site based on this article. Tuesday’s actions seem driven by an impulse to scapegoat a media outlet and to bring about, therefore, a chilling effect on critical journalism. No government can or should so brazenly target journalists solely based on suspicion about its funding and thereby undermine the freedom of expression, which is guaranteed under the Constitution. Mr. Purkayastha was arrested and kept in jail during the Emergency in 1975 under the draconian Maintenance of Internal Security Act, on trumped up charges, when he was a student-activist at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Today, history seems to be repeating itself, but without even the fig leaf of a declared Emergency.