Balancing policy: On Israel, Palestine and India’s line

India must pressure Israel to act responsibly in the face of terror

The statement is a reminder of the tightrope India has walked since 1992, when New Delhi established full diplomatic ties with Israel, while continuing to support the Palestinian cause. There has been a shift towards Israel’s position, given increasingly close bilateral relations, trade, technological assistance, military procurement, and counter-terrorism cooperation. In 2017, Mr. Modi became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel, while in 2018, Mr. Netanyahu visited India. However, Mr. Modi was also the first Indian Prime Minister to make an official visit to Palestine. In 2017, India voted against the U.S. and Israel for an attempt to declare unilaterally all of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. The policy lines New Delhi is continuing to draw seem clear: to abhor terrorism, but not to condone indiscriminate reprisal bombings, even as it holds its consistent position on Palestine. No claim to righting historical grievances can possibly be used by Hamas to explain its inhuman attacks on Israel. However, a responsible state cannot behave like an insurgent group, and Israel’s latest demand, that more than a million Gaza residents must evacuate as it continues to pound the city and plans a possible ground offensive, will make Delhi’s challenge at balancing policy even more complex.