- SPREE (NOUN) – sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind.
Synonyms- binge, splurge
Antonyms- plurge care, thriftiness
Example- Raghu went on three months’ crime spree
- UNSUSTAINABLE (ADJ)- not able to be maintained at the current rate or level.
Synonyms- Unsuitable, untenable
Antonyms- suitable, feasible
Example- Bankruptcies are necessitated by unsustainable levels of debt
- CRUNCH(NOUN)- difficulty
Synonyms- Crisis trouble
Antonyms- calm, peace
Example- Madan felt a financial crunch.
Synonyms- Intrusion, violation
Antonyms- obedience, surrender
Example- Although it seemed an invasion of my privacy, but it was her nature.
- BASKET CASE(NOUN)- worried
Synonyms- antsy, anxious
Antonyms-confident, unafraid
Example-Radhika’s classmates looked at her like she was a complete basket case.
- ENDORSED(VERB)-approved
Synonyms- sanctioned, settled
Antonyms- disapproved, discourage
Example- Censor board did not endorse Udta Punjab.
- TRANCHE (NOUN) – a portion of something, especially money.
Synonyms- Chunk, excerpt
Antonyms-entirety, total
Example- The bank released the first tranche of the norms.
- PERILOUSLY (ADVERB)-carelessly
Synonyms- Precariously, recklessly
Antonyms- carefully, safely
Example- The manager handled the case perilously.
- IMPLICATION(NOUN)- suggestion
Synonyms- connotation, indication
Antonyms- reality, truth
Example– My implication to you is stay out of it.
Synonyms- Demur, diverge
Antonyms- assent, agree
Example- The dissenting inhabitants are naturally absent from such a festival.