Vocab Of The Day



  1. WORSEN (VERB): deteriorate

Synonyms: get worse, exacerbate

Antonyms: improve, soothe

Example sentence: This policy could actually worsen the economy.


  1. EXPEDITE (VERB): accelerate

Synonyms: quicken, hasten

Antonyms: delay, retard

Example sentence: He was expediting the speed of a car.


  1. PROCUREMENT (NOUN): obtainment

Synonyms: appropriation, attainment

Antonyms: bestowal, giving

Example sentence: He has made procurement of his dreams and achievements.


  1. REFORM (VERB): amend

Synonyms: improve, repair

Antonyms: break, damage

Example sentence: The judge reformed the impunity.


  1. UNREALISTIC (ADJECTIVE): impossible

Synonyms: impractical, improbable

Antonyms: believable, practical

Example sentence: I find this blueprint quite unrealistic.


  1. REMUNERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): advantageous

Synonyms: gainful, beneficial

Antonyms: poorly paid, unprofitable

Example sentence: This plan of yours seems remunerative.


  1. CONCURRENTLY (ADVERB): simultaneously

Synonyms: all at once, all together

Antonyms: imbalanced, upset

Example sentence: He is eating and dancing concurrently.


  1. PUSH (VERB): advance

Synonyms: boost, hype

Antonyms: repress, dissuade

Example sentence: The manager pushed the production.


  1. CRISIS (NOUN): catastrophe

Synonyms: disaster, trouble

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example sentence: He helped me in the times of crisis.


  1. SLUMP (NOUN): decline

Synonyms: depreciation, downtrend

Antonyms: ascent, rise

Example sentence: This year, we saw a slump in profits.