Synonyms: clear, apparent
Antonyms: hidden, concealed
Example Sentence: Her conspicuous lack of warmth confirmed that they were no longer friends.
- CONSPIRE (VERB): to plot, scheme with someone
Synonyms: collude, connive
Antonyms: disagree, neglect
Example Sentence: I had a persecution complex and thought, people were conspiring against me.
- CONSTERNATION (NOUN): a feeling of anxiety or dismay
Synonyms: distress, disquiet
Antonyms: happiness, calmness
Example Sentence: His decision caused consternation among his colleagues.
- CONSTRAIN (VERB): restrict
Synonyms: curb, restrain
Antonyms: allow, assist
Example Sentence: Women are too often constrained by family commitments.
- CONSTRUE (VERB): To understand or explain the meaning of
Synonyms: define, infer
Antonyms: confuse, fail
Example Sentence: The waiter construed my smile as assent.
Synonyms: supreme, polished
Antonyms: incomplete, imperfect
Example Sentence: She acted the part with consummate skill.
- CONTAMINATE (VERB): to make impure
Synonyms: pollute, infect
Antonyms: cleanse, purify
Example Sentence: The town’s water-supply has been contaminated by chemicals from the factory.
Synonyms: reflective, introspective
Antonyms: ignorant, disdainful
Example Sentence: He is a quiet, contemplative sort of a chap.
- CONTEMPT (NOUN): very low opinion; scorn
Synonyms: derision, disrespect
Antonyms: regard, respect
Example Sentence: She spoke with utter contempt of her husband’s behaviour.
- CONTEND (VERB): argued
Synonyms: asserted, confronted
Antonyms: agree, comply
Example Sentence: She contended that taxes were too high.