172, अमेरिका ने तीसरी दुनिया के देशों में सहयोग के लए समझौता पत्र 

पर किए हस्ताक्षर :-

(I) भारत और अमेरिका ने तीसरी दुनिया के देशों में विकासात्मक गतिविधियों तथा सहायता के क्षेत्र में

सहयोग करने के लिए एक समझौता पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किये हैं।

(II)एमसीसी एक अमेरिकी एजेंसी है जो सतत आर्थिक विकास के माध्यम से गरीबी दूर करने लिए आर्थिक सहयोग देकर तीसरी दुनिया के देशों की मदद कर रह रही है।

(III)भारत और अमेरिका सेक्टर नीति सुधार, परियोजना और क्षेत्र प्रबंधन, परियोजना कार्यान्वयन और

संबंधित सेक्टर में आर्थिक विकास को बढ़ावा देने की रणनीतियों के लिए तीसरी दुनियों को परामर्श और

तकनीकी सहायता भी दे सकते हैं।


2.तमिलनाडु सरकार ने पर्यटन के लिए ‘pinakin’ मोबाइल एप लांच की :-

(I)तमिलनाडु पर्यटन विभाग ने एक मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन ‘pinakin’ लॉन्च किया है। एप दो भाषाओँ तमिल और अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध हैI


3.62वां फिल्मफेयर पुरस्कार 2017: शत्रुघ्न सिन्हा को लाइफटाइम अचीवमेंट पुरस्कार :-

(I)शत्रुघ्न सिन्हा, जो फिल्म उद्योग में अपने 5 दशक पूरे करने के करीब हैं, को 62वें जियो फिल्मफेयर

पुरस्कार 2017 में लाइफटाइम अचीवमेंट पुरस्कार दिया गया।

(II)यह पुरस्कार, जो सिन्हा का पहला फिल्म फेयर है, वह उन्हें उनकी पुत्री अभिनेत्री सोनाक्षी सिन्हा ने


4.विराट कोहली ने महान बल्लेबाज सचिन तेंदुलकर का रिकॉर्ड तोड़ा :-

(I)भारतीय कप्तान विराट कोहली और केदार जाधव के शानदार शतकों की बदौलत भारत ने तीन मैचों की

सीरीज के पहले मैच में इंग्लैंड को 3 विकेट से पटखनी देने में सफलता हासिल की।

(II)सफलतापूर्वक लक्ष्य का पीछा करते हुए विराट कोहली का यह 15वां शतक है, जो किसी भी भारतीय द्वारा सर्वाधिक है। पूर्व भारतीय कप्तान सचिन तेंदुलकर को विराट कोहली ने पीछे छोड़ दिया।

(III)वनडे क्रिकेट में यह दूसरा मौका है, जब किसी टीम ने 350 रन बनाए हों, और उसके किसी भी

बल्लेबाज ने शतक नहीं बनाया हो।

(IV)विराट कोहली का कप्तान के रूप में यह पांचवां एकदिवसीय शतक है।

(V)इस मैच में महेंद्र सिंह धोनी ने 6 गेंदें खेली।


:- New Batch Starts for :-

:- “BANK/ SSC” at 5 PM

:- “BANK/ SSC” at 8 AM

:- at  Anushka Academy Subhas Nagar Branch.

:- Contact No. :-  8233223322, 8233033033


:- New Batch Starts for :-

:- ” BANK/ SSC” at 7:45 AM

:- at Anushka Academy, Shobhagpura 100 feet road   Branch,    opp. Ashoka   palace.

 :- Contact No. :-  7727867730, 9521516171


:- New Batch Starts for :-

:- “Bank/ SSC”  at 4 PM  

:- “Bank/ SSC”  at 7 AM

:- at Sec. 14 CA Circle. Branch

:- Contact No. :- 9521314152, 7742443456




Silicon identified as ‘missing element’ in Earth’s core :-

Scientists from Tohoku University in Japan have claimed that Silicon (Si) is the ‘missing element’ in the Earth’s core. This discovery could help us to better understand how our world formed.

India ranks 92nd in 2017 Global Talent Index :-

India was ranked 92nd among 118 countries in the 2017 Global index of talent competitiveness (GTI) list. The index measures ability of countries to compete for talent i.e. how countries grow, attract and retain talent.

India ranks 60th in Inclusive Development Index :-

India ranked 60th among the 79 developing countries in 2017 Inclusive Development Index (IDI) released in World Economic Forum’s (WEF) ‘Inclusive Growth and Development Report’.

Environment Ministry notifies Graded Response Action Plan to combat air pollution in NCR :-

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has notified the Graded Response Action Plan to combat air pollution in NCR Delhi region.

IMF cuts India’s FY17 growth rate to 6.6% from 7.6%  :-

The World Economic Outlook (WEO) update released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut India’s growth rate for the fiscal year 2016–17 to 6.6% from its previous estimate of 7.6%.

Timothy Gonsalves committee recommends reservation for girl students in IITs :-

The sub-committee under chairmanship of professor Timothy Gonsalves has recommended reservation for girl students in IITs to address the issue of slump in number of female students entering the prestigious institutes.

Richest 1% own 58% of total wealth in India: Oxfam Study :-

According to study conducted by rights group Oxfam, India’s richest 1% now hold a huge 58% of the country’s total wealth, indicating rise income inequality. It is higher than the global figure of about 50%.