No one gets the job without any preparation these days, especially those in the marketing industry, as some of their interview questions can be a bit tough.

As well as having previous marketing experience the interviewer is looking for a well-rounded person.

  • What is the difference between the Onlineand the Offline Marketing?
  • Talk to me about aboveand below the fold
  • What is your previous marketing experience? What were your targets?
  • What Blogs do you follow?
  • What Social Media would you use for this business and why?
  • What is the difference between theweb and social mediamarketing?
  • What is Content Marketing?
  • What would be your strategy to create ad copies?
  • What do you know about SEO?
  • What is the difference between the “On-Page” and “Off-Page” optimisation?
  • How would you describe “White Hat” and “Black Hat” SEO?
  • What were the last changes in Google Algorithms?
  • What tools would you use to track your rankings?
  • What is PR (as an SEO term)?
  • What is a backlink and what would you need it for?
  • What is PPC?
  • Talk about your experience with Google advertising campaigns.
  • How would you improve your quality index?
  • What were your previous marketing targets? Did you reach them? If yes how?
  • How are you with working on a marketing campaign under a budget?