1.Do come prepared.

2.Do arrive early.

3.Do quiz yourself in advance with practice questions.

4.Do dress stylishly and meticulously.

5.Do sit up straight and speak with confidence.

6.Do make eye contact. But don’t overdo it to the point where you make the interviewer uncomfortable.

7.Do take some time to consider your answers and respond thoughtfully. You shouldn’t feel pressured to answer each question in rapid fire.

8.Do take time for pleasantries and a bit of casual social banter.

9.Do your research about the company and the employer beforehand.

10.Do set up Google alerts to keep you abreast of the latest developments at the company.

11.Do spend time researching the market and the forces that are influencing the industry.

12.Do follow up with a thank-you email, letting the interviewer know it was nice to meet them and that you look forward to hearing back soon.

13.Do subtly put your name on their radar the day after the interview by liking a post on their social media account.

14.Do ensure that your most recent posts on your social media accounts show something positive and professional.

15.Do strike a power pose before you head to the interview. It will boost your endorphins and improve your confidence.