How To Prepare For Competitive Exams 10 Exam Preparation Tips For Jobs


1. Know The Ins and Outs of The Exam

This is the first thing you have to do before you dive into a competitive exam preparation for jobs. Know the details about the exam, their selection procedure, the level of knowledge expected of you etc. Because you can shape your paths, only when you know your goals.

How Will You Do That?

The basic rule is to know about the job position as well as the department you are applying for. Do your research about the job responsibilities as well as the level of knowledge and expertise required to deliver services at that position.

Get an extensive knowledge of the exam curriculum. If possible talk to people who have previous experience on the subject through social networks, forums, blogs etc.

2. Prepare Your Strategy

After the basic know-how, prepare a strategy to accomplish your goals. Most of the exams for jobs have two steps in the selection process. One the written exam and the other is the interview. So, you have to plan your preparation accordingly.

How Will You Do That?

Rather than offering some vague suggestions, I would answer it to the point. For written exams, make a strategy to complete the syllabus much before time. Once you complete your syllabus, you are in a position to revise your courses as many times as you want (if time permits).

Moreover, you can do practice the practical or mathematical questions multiple times, once you go through the whole syllabi. Remember, practices and revisions add up your confidence which has no alternative to your success.

3. Arrange Study Materials

When you know, what you have to study, you are half-done. Next, you have to arrange the study materials required to crack the written examination. Every department has their own set of study material recommendations. In certain cases, one single book even helps in two or more exams.

How Will You Do That?

If you are preparing for two or more exams, then find the common topics/subjects between the exam syllabuses. See, for the books that can be used for both the purposes. This will lessen your workload as well as the time for preparation. And most importantly that would save your money too.

Buy those books that have a good reputation and are highly popular among the candidates who are vying for the same job. Consultation with experienced guys who have already succeeded may be of great help in this regard.

4. Make A Routine

Routine is a must. Without any definitive routine for your studies may sound directionless. When you have a couple of papers, it would not be easy to study all the papers with the same emphasis, if you haven’t scheduled it properly.

Remember your routine should be a feasible one and not something that only a superman can adhere to. Try to follow the routine strictly over a long period of time. Hope that would bring you nearer to your accomplish your goals.

How Will You Do That?

While preparing a routine you have to keep a few things in your mind. The allocation of time should be based on your knowledge and learning capacity. Subject proficiency should be the driven factor in preparing your routine. Also, review the routine from time to time and modify it as per your progress.

Try to keep practical or mathematical subjects for practice daily in your routine as they required great exercise to score in the exam.

5. Prepare Yourself By Writing What You Have Learned

I don’t know how many will agree with me at this point, but the students I interviewed, all of them have the same viewpoint. They all bat for writing habits. The Associate Professor Anne Mangen at the University of Stavanger’s, in a study, said, writing by hand strengthens the learning process.

Reading your own handwriting in a subject, dramatically improves your command on the subject.

How Will You Do That?

Well, you have to go back to your school days. You may find things quite silly, but it’s a fact. You have to write everything you read. You don’t need to write full-length answers, but brief or pointwise answers will do. Preserve your writing notebooks for future when you need quick revisions for the whole subject specially during exam days.

6. Solve Previous Years’ Question Paper

I guarantee it, almost 100 percent of the job aspirants will be with me on this suggestion. If you are preparing for exams be it academic or concerned with jobs, solving previous years’ question papers definitely helps you. All you can have an idea about the question patterns, their mark allotments etc. Moreover, there’s a strong perception that by going through the previous years’ question papers, makes it easier for a candidate to figure out the common questions.

How Will You Do That?

The mock test is an effective technique to prepare for exams. Create an atmosphere simulating examination hall and complete previous years’ question papers within time. By rehearsing it for a number of times before you sit for an examination you can excel your time management skills.

As it is seen in most of the cases, students/candidates fail just because they couldn’t answer all the questions in time or found themselves in a haphazard condition during exams.

7. Improve Your Vocabulary

Since most of the competitive exams are conducted in English or have a subject paper on the English language, you should be at par in the language. English grammar is also an important topic to be covered by the candidate.

Though you shouldn’t be an expert, yet a Standard English is expected from you. Another important thing is to use appropriate idioms and proverbs in sentences enrich you writings manifold.

How Will You Do That?

The best way to improve your linguistic skills is to read English newspapers and magazines. Watching English news can augment your oratory skills. Moreover, English movies with sub-titles are great to understand as well as express your feelings in that language.

Whenever you come up with a new word consult dictionary without procrastination and see their application in sentences. Consult authentic books on idioms and proverbs and learn their usability. You can also have online dictionaries or mobile apps for your convenience.

8. Update Yourself On Current Affairs

I don’t think anybody has a doubt over it. Latest and current knowledge always are solicited from a candidate aspiring for a job. The competitive exams are designed in such a way that would bring out the shallowness if you are not well prepared on current developments.

How Will You Do That?

I think you all know the sources of latest or current knowledge. Besides reading your regular study materials, it would be highly beneficial to read various articles, blogs, attend seminars etc. Reading Years Books, watching news bulletins keep you almost update.

9. Prepare Yourself For Aptitude Test

Aptitude test is the core subject in almost all the competitive exams for jobs. Aptitude tests are meant to bring out the candidate’s abilities to perform specific jobs under a certain given situation.

These tests are designed in such a way that would assess your logical reasoning and thinking performance without prior knowledge or training. A typical test includes 30 or so multiple choice questions to be answered within 30 minutes.

10. Keep Yourself Motivating

Motivation is the key-driven force behind any success. Well, it’s not always possible to crack job exams in the first instance. You ought to have the patience to get a job you are vying for. Keep yourself motivated until you get the desired result.